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Happy Employees = Happy Humans

Humans have learned to thrive in groups from the beginning of time

Whatever genesis you believe, history will show you that man did not exist alone

Humans co-exist with others for love and belonging, health and wealth

How humans relate to each other can be challenging

Investing in your human capital is the best incentive you can give to your employees. It lets them know that they are valued for their contributions to the success of the company and that their efforts have been noticed.

  • According to a recent study, Mind The Workplace, by MHA (Mental Health America) more than half of the employees surveyed felt unappreciated and were currently looking for new jobs*

  • The United States alone loses $450-500 billion in lost productivity*

  • Top 5 reasons employees cited as why they enjoy their workplace*

    1- Relationship with co-workers

    2- Contribution of work to organization’s business goals

    3- Meaningfulness of the job

    4- Opportunities to use skills/abilities

    5- Relationship with immediate supervisor

  • Human capital engagement should be a priority in all companies

Major corporate challenges when employees are not engaged:

  • high turnover

  • absenteeism

  • poor communication

  • internal conflict

  • low productivity

  • burnout

Your people are the drivers of how your company operates and it’s success

The dynamics of human interaction and engagement play a key role in How People Connect

Connected People = Happy Humans

Happy employees tend to be more motivated to support the company vision, mission and culture which truly has the biggest impact on the success of the company

How do people connect?

Communication is the #1 complaint as it pertains to relationship issues

Understanding ourselves will help us understand how we relate and engage with others

Choose from these programs and help your people connect:

  1. W.H.A.T. - What Happens After That?

    • Initial engagement is the most important interaction because it sets the tone for how the rest of the communication exchange will play out. Learning new strategies for communication from the start will improve interactions with others

    • Not so simply put though; human engagements have plenty of underlying culprits that start the conversations off in the wrong direction. We will learn to identify and eliminate some of those hidden culprits

  2. 4 Corporate Solutions - Culture, Core Values, Communication and Connection

    • This is a head start program for the business owner to ensure all human capital engagements are aligned

    • Provides a structure of business that streamlines employee engagement and interaction within the company

  3. Do This not Think That: 4 C’s to Connection (change, choice, consequences and connection)

    • All interaction is total interaction. Employees will learn how and why they choose to interact with others and how to make changes in difficult situations with people who are different

  4. “FISH stories”

    • This is a fun, interactive workshop just for the employees and managers to get real with the “time wasters” in the workplace

    • We will explore the nuances that bring it in to the workplace every day, how to approach it and how to eliminate it

We take an empathetic approach to understanding different communication styles and needs that will help your people communicate more effectively.

We realize family relational dynamics play out key roles in the workplace. Likely the patterns one uses to meet their needs at home with family members are being used at the office just in different ways. We work to identify the patterns that are causing stress in the workplace and formulate new interactions that create a system or pattern that is more aligned to the situation.


Contact us today to learn more about the tools that will benefit your company's success.